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sensorProbe+ Wireless Tunnel
A wireless environmental monitoring system that connects up to 30 4-port sensor pods to a server, communicating over long distance with LoRa™ based wireless communications
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1) sensorProbe+ Wireless Tunnel, 3x Sensor Ports, 1x Analog 4-20mAmp Port Model No. SP-WT-A2D
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2) sensorProbe+ Wireless Tunnel, 3x Sensor Ports, 1x Modbus RS485 Port Model No. SP-WT-MOD
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3) sensorProbe+ Wireless Tunnel, 4x Sensor Ports Model No. SP-WT
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A wireless environmental monitoring system
that connects up to 30 4-port sensor pods to a server, communicating over long distance with LoRa™ based wireless communications
sensorProbe+ Wireless Tunnel™ (SP-WT) is a wireless sensor pod equipped with Semtech's LoRa based radio technology, utilizing the AKCP Wireless Tunnel™ communications protocol. sensorProbe Wireless Tunnel™ allows you to connect up to 4 AKCP intelligent sensors. Sensors' data is transmitted wirelessly to a sensorProbe+ Wireless Tunnel™ server* (SP-WTS). This makes for rapid deployment of a large number of sensors that can communicate over long distance with LoRa™ based wireless communications.
sensorProbe Wireless Tunnel™ server, in turn, collects, stores and graphs data from sensorProbe+ Wireless Tunnel™ pod units. sensorProbe Wireless Tunnel™ server provides Ethernet connectivity to access sensor data via the web UI, SNMP, Modbus TCP/IP or MQTT. AKCPro Server provides central monitoring of multiple sensorProbe Wireless Tunnel™ servers.
AKCP's proprietary Wireless Tunnel™ protocol provides guaranteed message delivery without loss of data and low power utilization for superior battery life.
At least one sensorProbe Wireless Tunnel™ server (SP-WTS) and one sensorProbe+ Wireless Tunnel™ sensor pod (SP-WT) need to be deployed to facilitate the sensorProbe Wireless Tunnel™ system, with up to 30 SP-WT sensor pods (with up to 120 sensors) wirelessly communicating with one sensorProbe+ Wireless Tunnel™ server.
Connect up to 30 SP-WT devices to the sensorProbe+ Wireless Tunnel™ server, with 4 sensors on each that gives 120 sensors from only 30 radios.
Build your own private LoRa based network without the need for any cloud services. Data is transmitted to the sensorProbe Wireless Tunnel server (SP-WTS). Multiple SP-WTS can be monitored centrally with AKCPro Server, which can run locally or on a cloud service.
No Software Required
sensorProbe+ Wireless Tunnel is simple to install and use, requiring no special software other than a standard Web Browser. sensorProbe+ Wireless Tunnel connects to an Ethernet network with a standard RJ45 connector and sends data in standard TCP/IP packets. It is easily configured with a simple menu using a Web Browser. Pro version can be password protected with 2 access account level types: Administrator, and View Only. From within an Intranet or over the Internet, the user can securely access the monitoring appliance by entering its IP address.
Centralized Management
If you are deploying multiple AKCP environment monitoring appliances, you can centrally manage them all and monitor their data through AKCPro Server - a best-in-class data center infrastructure management software (DCIM) with a focus on temperature and airflow analysis.
• Learn more about AKCPro Server
Self-hosted AKCPro Server is FREE when connected to up to 4 AKCP environmental monitoring appliances.
• Download self-hosted AKCPro Server here
Cloud AKCPro Server** is FREE for the first year when connected to up to 4*** AKCP environmental monitoring appliances
• Register an account with AKCP here to use the Cloud AKCPro Server
Camera Support
sensorProbe+ Wireless Tunnel supports IP camera video streams through a connection to self-hosted AKCPro Server (running locally on your server).
Using self-hosted AKCPro Server, images from IP cameras can be synchronized with sensor events (e.g. images captured from an IP camera can be synchronized with a security sensor that's being triggered when a door, or window, opens, providing instant visual feedback on the situation).
* At least one sensorProbe Wireless Tunnel™ server (SP-WTS) needs to be deployed to facilitate the sensorProbe Wireless Tunnel™ system, with up to 30 SP-WT units (with up to 120 sensors) wirelessly communicating with one sensorProbe+ Wireless Tunnel™ server.
** Cloud AKCPro Server does not support IP cameras, and does not support Access Control products (Door Control Unit and RFID Swing Handle Locks).
*** If you need to support more than 4 AKCP environmental monitoring appliances, cloud licenses need to be purchased for all supported appliances.